To obtain the University Training in Inductive Physiotherapy, students must (i) pass a 4-unit theory exam and a practical evaluation, and (ii) defend a dissertation concerning a case report or a case series. The course comprises six one-week modules spread over a two-year period. The time between these modules enables students to put their acquired knowledge into practice.
Each module includes lectures and practical work:
•    the theory module include specific courses given by the diploma’s teaching staff and non-specific course given by university lecturers (literature searching, critical analysis, wet anatomy, etc.).
•    the practical teaching is given as workshops (performed as pairs), during which the practitioner learns to implement the techniques he/she has been taught. Teaching sessions with patients help to apply the techniques in real practice.
At the end of this training period, the practitioner will be capable of:
–    performing and assessing a specific morphological examination in inductive physiotherapy.
–    defining the indication for this type of treatment.
–    establishing a prognosis for the expected results.
–    elaborating a relevant treatment strategy.
–    implementer the taught techniques.
–    evaluating the treatment outcome and performing follow-up.
–    publishing the treatment results (articles, scientific writing).

The Scientific and Teaching Committee

The course’s academic director is Professor Marie-Eve Isner-Horobeti (Clinical Chair, Strasbourg Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Clemenceau University Rehabilitation Institute, Strasbourg).
The technical director is Michaël Nisand (physiotherapist and the originator of inductive physiotherapy).
The teaching coordinator is Christian Callens (care manager, physiotherapist, Care Director and former Director of the Massage Therapy and Physiotherapy Training Institute at Strasbourg University Hospital).
The Teaching Committee is composed of Michaël Nisand, Christian Callens and Christiane Destieux (physiotherapist and course lecturer).
The Academic Board comprises Professor Marie-Eve Isner-Horobeti, Marc Poncin (Director of the University of Strasbourg’s Department for Continuing Education), Michaël Nisand, Christian Callens and Christiane Destieux.
